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What Happens When the Majority is Not Met in the Electoral College?
The Electoral College is a crucial, decentralized electoral system in which electors from each state gather to cast their votes for the President and Vice President of the United States. Usually, the electoral college results reflect the popular vote of the nation, but occasionally, the electoral college vote comes out with no clear majority. What happens when the majority is not met in the Electoral College? This article delves deeper into the procedures that guide the electoral process.
What is a Majority in the Electoral College?
The Electoral College consists of 538 electors, each selected based on either the winner-takes-all or proportional representation system, depending on the state. To win the Presidency, a candidate must secure 270 electoral votes, which represent more than half of the electoral college. This threshold makes securing the Presidency significantly more challenging than winning the popular vote.
What Happens When There is No Majority?
When a candidate fails to secure the 270 electoral votes required to win, the election gets thrown into the hands of the House of Representatives. Under the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, the US House of Representatives has the authority to select the President from among the three presidential candidates who obtained the highest electoral college votes. Only one vote is granted per state, meaning that while some states might have more representatives, they are given only one vote. To win the Presidency in the House of Representatives, a candidate must secure the majority of the state representatives.
The Senate then participates in the electoral process as well in the case of a tie. The Vice President position goes to the Senator with the most votes, and if there is a tie, the Senate selects the Vice President. The Senator that wins must secure the majority of votes in the Senate.
Contingent Elections Can Skew Results
The Electoral College system is not perfect, and it has resulted in significant legal debates in the past. One of the significant issues is the possibility of a contingent election, which occurs when no candidate wins a sufficient number of electoral votes. In this scenario, the House of Representatives holds a contingent election to determine the winner, presenting several challenges, including the potential for political corruption and compromise.
The Electoral College’s role in electing the President and Vice President in the United States has been a hotly debated topic for years. Although this system is democratic, it can be challenging to navigate when a candidate cannot secure the necessary majority of electoral votes required. It is crucial to understand the procedures that guide the electoral process when there is no majority to prevent speculation and controversies in a political climate where electoral legitimacy is critical.
The electoral college system of America requires a candidate to obtain an absolute majority in order to become elected to the presidency. To have an absolute majority means that the candidate has over half of the total possible votes, which is different from a simple plurality, which only would require that a candidate have the most votes out of all the candidates. This necessity for an absolute majority means that, while such occurrences are rare, it is possible for no candidate to win the election, as no candidate could successfully achieve the absolute majority necessary.
Such situations were anticipated by the Constitution’s framers, however, and some provisions and procedures were laid out to determine how such a problem should be solved. The electoral college system was designed so that a candidate would have to achieve an absolute majority in order to prevent one candidate becoming the President of the entire nation simply because he received all the votes from his home area, which were enough to put him over the other candidates. Requiring an absolute majority ensures that over half of the nation would have voted for that candidate, although the exact proportion would vary depending on a number of different statistics.
But because the American system is also not a definitively two party system and does allow for any number of possible parties to run, the available electoral votes might be split between enough parties so as to prevent any one candidate from achieving that absolute majority. This was most likely one of the primary worries of the framers of the Constitution with regard to the electoral college system, as there were no parties or clear political organizations at the time they were writing the Constitution and they could not have been certain that hundreds of different candidates would try to run and would each eat up just enough votes to prevent any one candidate from successfully winning the presidency.
As such, they included a contingency in Article 2 of the Constitution which would dictate proper procedure in such situations. Specifically, the House of Representatives would perform a vote to determine the President. This system was further refined after the election of 1800 with the Twelfth Amendment. The election of 1800 was a very significant election, primarily because it perfectly demonstrated one of the unforeseen problems of the original electoral college system. In the original system as set forth in the Constitution itself, each elector in the electoral college would actually issue two votes for President.
The Vice President would be the candidate who won the second most number of electoral votes after the President, who must still have had an absolute majority. But in the election of 1796, this led to members of opposing parties becoming the President and the Vice President. While this was not an insurmountable problem, it did make it difficult for the President and Vice President to work together easily. In the election of 1800, however, a more significant problem arose. The supposed candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidency from the same party actually earned the same number of electoral votes, thus meaning that it was unclear to whom the presidency should go.
Because there were no outright vice-presidential candidates, and all candidates were presidential candidates, then the situation was treated as if two presidential candidates had tied and it went to the House of Representatives for a vote, even though all involved knew that one of the two candidates had been originally intended as the vice-presidential candidate.
This election led to the adoption of the Twelfth Amendment, which provided for electors to vote for one presidential candidate and one vice-presidential candidate. The election of 1824 was actually something of a proof of the efficacy of the system for dealing with an absence of absolute majority. In this election, there were four different candidates from the same party, each of whom took some of the votes away from the others. As a result, no candidate won a majority.
This was different from the election of 1800, in that no two candidates actually tied. Andrew Jackson was the front runner in terms of electoral votes and in terms of popular votes as well. He simply did not win enough electoral votes to be considered to have won an absolute majority. As a result, the decision to determine the disposition of the presidency went to the House of Representatives. In this case, however, the House made a decision which most did not anticipate.
One of the four candidates, Henry Clay, could not be considered in the House’s decision because the House can only choose between the top three recipients of electoral votes. As such, Henry Clay was out of the running and he threw his support behind another candidate, John Quincy Adams. With Clay’s support, Adams was able to edge out Jackson in the House vote and successfully won the presidency. This election showed that the system in place for dealing with the absence of an absolute majority would function, even if the system’s integrity was debatable, as Jackson would have argued.