Home Amendments Seventeenth Amendment

Seventeenth Amendment

Seventeenth Amendment

The 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution is one of the most significant changes ever made to the structure of the US government. It was ratified on April 8, 1913 and provided for the direct election of US Senators by the people rather than by state legislatures. In this article, we will explore the history, purpose, and impact of the 17th Amendment on American politics.

Background and History

Before the 17th Amendment, US Senators were elected by state legislatures. This system had been in place since the adoption of the Constitution in 1787 and was meant to ensure that state interests would be represented in the federal government. The idea was that state legislators would be more familiar with the political landscape and the needs of their state than the general public and could therefore make better choices for US Senators.

However, by the early 20th century, many problems arose with this system. State legislatures were frequently deadlocked over whom to elect to the Senate, leading to long periods of vacancy and a lack of representation in the federal government. In addition, allegations of corruption and bribery in the election of Senators were common, as wealthy individuals and special interest groups could exert undue influence over state legislatures to secure their preferred candidate. This led to concerns about the integrity of the Senate and a growing demand for reform.

Purpose of the 17th Amendment

The 17th Amendment was proposed in response to these concerns and aimed to give citizens a more direct say in the election of US Senators. By establishing the direct election of Senators through popular vote, the Amendment sought to eliminate the influence of special interests in Senate elections and promote greater responsiveness of Senators to the general public.

The 17th Amendment also sought to address the issue of long vacancies in the Senate. By giving the people the power to elect Senators, the Amendment ensured that vacancies could be filled more quickly and efficiently, and that each state would have equal representation in the Senate at all times.

Impact of the 17th Amendment

The 17th Amendment had a profound impact on American politics, completely changing the way Senators were elected and giving the people a more direct voice in the government. This change helped to promote greater accountability and transparency in the election process and established a more democratic process for choosing Senators.

With the direct election of Senators, Senators became more responsive to the needs and concerns of their constituents. Senators are now more likely to vote in ways that align with their constituents’ wishes, and are more accountable to the people who elected them. This shift has helped to reduce the influence of special interests and promote greater transparency in Senate proceedings.

However, there are also some who argue that the 17th Amendment has led to increased partisanship and polarization in the Senate. With Senators now directly elected by the people, there is greater pressure for Senators to be more ideologically aligned with their party, rather than being more moderate and centrist to appeal to state legislators. This has been blamed for making it more difficult to pass bipartisan legislation, and for contributing to increased gridlock in the Senate.


The 17th Amendment to the US Constitution remains a controversial topic to this day. While it has helped to increase accountability and transparency in Senate proceedings and given citizens a more direct voice in the government, it has also been blamed for increasing partisanship and contributing to gridlock in the Senate. Regardless of where one stands on this issue, there is no denying that the 17th Amendment has had a significant impact on American politics and remains an important part of the US Constitution.

The 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution is one that determines the manner or system in which United States Senators are to be appointed. It also providedfor a term length for Senators, as well as procedures to be considered in theevent that a State has a vacancy in the Senate. The 17th Amendment was proposed in May 13th, 1912, with Connecticut being the last State needed to complete the ratification process for Constitutional Amendments on April 8th, 1913. From that date forward, all United States Senators would be appointed through a direct election by popular vote.

The 17th Amendment proposes that the Senate willbe composed of two Senators from each State. Each Senator is to hold theposition for six years. Each Senator of a State will have one vote. In the case that a vacancy in the Senate in any State arises, the Governor or executive authority of that State has the right to fill the vacancy by appointing a replacement through a popular vote.

Prior to the17th Amendment, a governor had the authority to appoint a replacement of hischoosing on an immediate basis. The appointed official would have to meet therequirements for such office and would only serve until the next legislaturewould meet. One of the reasons that the 17th Amendment was adopted as one ofthe Constitutional Amendments is direct relation to vacancies in the Senateexisting for long periods of time. The election of Senators would often be dead locked due to different parties holding control over the different Houses, and their political interests would be a matter of conflict.

Prior to thepopular vote election system, Senators would be appointed, and thus, severalsituations arose where officials would be appointed through the influence ofoutside factors, such as industries and financial interests groups andinvestigations of bribery and corruption were a concern. Therefore, it became more apparent that Senators should be elected by the general populace of the State.

Before it became one of the Constitutional Amendments,the concept of Senator elections through a popular vote was being implementedby certain states. The “Oregon System” referred to the practice ofstates using their primary elections as a way to elect the citizens’ choice fora Senator position. More and more states would adopt this system as their choice for the election of Senators.

However,investigations regarding the election of an Illinois Senator through unlawfulpractices made it clear that only Constitutional Amendments would solve thisgrowing concern. By 1910, almost two-thirds of the United States had implemented the practice of Senatorial elections through popular vote, which under Article V of the United States Constitution, allows for creation of a convention to proposed Amendments, pressuring Congress to propose an Amendment.

Although the 17th Amendment has proven to be one of the more successful Constitutional Amendments, in recent years it has been much disputed, with some factions even calling for its total repeal. Some politicians believe that the 17th Amendment gives too much power and authority to the United States Congress, allowing for special interests groups to influence the direct election of Senators.

Another keyreason many oppose the 17th Amendment is due to the fact that 46 of the 50states allow for the Governor to appoint a replacement in the Senate due to avacancy. Even though the replacement is subject to be removed because anelection is to be held, some may hold the position until the next generalelection is to be held. As of 2009, a Bill was proposed to amend the power ofgovernors to appoint Senators by repealing the clause entirely.